Our current web scraper is designed to work with specific URL formats. It effectively scrapes data from the following URLs:
These URLs are compatible with our scraper due to their structure and content format. After analyzing these working URLs, you may find similar URLs that could also be compatible. Feel free to test additional URLs and add them to your list to see if they work with the scraper.
- The scraper does not work with all URLs from Daraz Nepal. Only specific URL formats are supported.
- The scraper extracts products only from the first page of each URL. Pagination is not currently handled.
- Data is up-to-date but may not always reflect true product values due to price changes, promotions, and data discrepancies.
- This scraper depends on specific HTML class names, which may change, leading to potential data extraction issues.
- Historical data is lost each time the scraper runs, as the table is cleared and refreshed.